
alphabet close up communication conceptual
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“Excuse me,” Harry said to the plump woman. 这是Harry Potter 第一次去Hogwarts 找不到站台,向Mrs Weasley问路的情景。Plump 是稍微有些胖,而且是好看的胖,可以对应“丰满”。

“Pudgy Luo” is a middle-aged man who discusses everything from Chinese emperors to 3D printing on his talk-show. 这是《经济学人》描写得到创始人罗胖的一句话。

And so it was that the young woman stayed on in the house with her son, a chubby, computer-loving little boy whose name was Jimmy.

这是A Man Called Ove里面形容小时候的Jimmy的,chubby 常常用来形容小孩子,可以对应“胖嘟嘟”或“胖乎乎”。

为什么不用 “Fat”呢?这个词有贬义,直接跟别人说You’re fat. 就更不礼貌了。聊天的时候最好不要评论别人的身材,就酱。


Kids still got teased and bullied, but it was over usual kid stuff: being fat or being skinny, being tall or being short, being smart or being dumb. 这是Born a Crime里面的一句话。

Fat和skinny在这个语境中放在一起对比还是很合适的。Skinny 有贬义,皮包骨头不好看的瘦。

Boggis was a chicken farmer. He kept thousands of chickens. He was enormously fat. 这是Fantastic Mr Fox里面形容Farmer Boggis 的。Boggis是故事里的三个坏人之一,必须用fat, 还用了Enormously形容fat,脑满肠肥的那种胖,哈哈。


同时尝试一下Thinking Routine Sentence-Phrase-Word。


Happy reading!

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