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Yesterday he had driven an elderly couple from Scotland, both with spotted faces and fluffy white hair so thin it exposed their sunburnt scalps.

The camera slung around his neck, with an impressive telephoto lens and numerous buttons and markings, was the only complicated thing he wore.

Mr. Kapasi was forty-six years old, with receding hair that had gone completely silver, but his butterscotch complexion and his unlined brow, which he treated in spare moments to dabs of lotus-oil balm, made it easy to imagine what he must have looked like at an earlier age.

She was a short woman, with small hands like paws, her frosty pink fingernails painted to match her lips, and was slightly plump in her figure.

She was wearing large dark brown sunglasses with a pinkish tint to them, and carried a big straw bag, almost as big as her torso, shaped like a bowl, with a water bottle poking out of it.

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