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Photo by Andre Furtado on Pexels.com


Get your green and gold on – the Matildas are ready to kick off at the FIFA Women’s World Cup tonight in Sydney.

Green and gold 是澳大利亚的national colours,也是澳大利亚运动员参加国际赛事的运动服颜色。Get your green and gold on是穿上国家队战袍的意思。

Matildas 是对澳女足队员的称呼,男足队员是Socceroos。几篇系列报道,都用Matildas来指代女足队。后面再提到,用了the national team。

指代词不仅仅是 he, she, they, you, we 等等,用不同的词或词组指代同一人/事/物,行文变化丰富一些。


Think Routine 介绍一下Step In, Step Out, Step Back,帮助我们理解不同的观点。

Step In: What do you think this person might feel, believe, know, or experience?

Step Out: What would you like or need to learn to understand this person’s perspective better?

Step Back: What do you notice about your own perspective and what it takes to take somebody else’s?

阅读中,在这几周介绍的Thinking Routine 里面挑一个尝试。

Happy reading!

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