







I ran back to Gunter and told him the bad news. His smile froze. “My friend, I really need to get on this bus for a very important conference tomorrow. I’ll be back to Vienna four days later; is it possible to pay you when I come back? Please…?” I looked at him, waiting anxiously.

He scanned me from top to bottom a few times, and finally nodded.

It was such a relief. “Thank you so much, my friend!”

We quickly exchanged the names and numbers, then I grabbed my bag and ran to the bus like mad.

Four days later, when I was back to Vienna, I called Gunter as promised. We met. I paid him and gave him a gift to show my gratitude. Both of us were happy.

Out of curiosity, I asked, “What if I didn’t ring you?”

A long pause. Then Gunter hesitated, “Well … I … can find you.”

I raised by eyebrows. He continued: “I’ve found you on Instagram, X, and LinkedIn.”

I couldn’t put my mixed feelings in exact words at that moment. It was … complicated. No wonder he agreed without asking any questions. He had already sized me up – what I looked like, how I behaved, …

He must’ve sensed my uneasiness. “Mate, I was not stalking you. The going is tough; I need the money to feed my family.”

“Understood.” I said, though I didn’t mean it. He probably had a camera in the cab as well. If I didn’t pay, there might have been a video on the internet.

I was upset, because I thought he trusted me, and I thought I had found faith in humanity again after seeing its dark side so often. It turned out to be just my illusion.

After he drove off, I couldn’t help asking myself: “What was I upset about?” He had every right not to trust a stranger from another country. No matter what was behind his actions, he helped me. Kindness is kindness. 


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